But First, Gratitude

WOW. Where does time go, and how is it already February?!

As I sit here and contemplate the happenings of last month, I am filled with deep gratitude. Gratitude for my health, my family, my career, and all the exciting ways I’m finding EXPANSION (my word for 2023) already this year.

I recently had the privilege of taking a two part Yin workshop, beautifully and thoughtfully led by two Nashville yoga teachers who have become dear friends to me. In the second class of the series, the intention offered was “gratitude.” Now I know, it’s become such a trendy word. But for good reason…it’s powerful!

As I sat in Double Pigeon (big hip opener and emotional release hotspot) and breathed into that intention, I became so overwhelmed with the feeling of gratitude that tears began rolling down my face. I have so much to be thankful for in my life, especially when it comes to the fulfilling work I get to do everyday. I am teaching as much as I want to be teaching (both publicly and privately), facilitating sound baths and teacher trainings, and traveling to the coolest places to attend and lead the coolest wellness retreats. All of this brings me immense joy and fills my soul deeply.

Sounds shiny, right?

I say all this to say the pose that came next was FROG (iykyk). I know plenty of people that live and die for this one, but let me just say I am not one of those people. As I grumbled inside and stumbled my way awkwardly into the shape, I re-collected my breath and came back to the intention. GRATITUDE. Was it still there?

Do I have the capacity for gratitude even in times of discomfort? Can I be thankful even when things don’t go the way I want them to? Can I keep an open heart and an open mind in the midst of all my struggles and all my vulnerability and all the messiness that goes along with just being human?

The answer I have discovered? ABSOLUTELY.

You see, sometimes we have to dig a little deeper to find it. Sometimes we have to weed our way through the jungle of life to be able to see the sun. And that’s OK! In fact, that’s how we grow.

If I know one thing, it’s that there’s always a silver lining. No matter how big or how small, it’s there. It’s there for me, and it’s there for you. And that on its own is something to be grateful for.


How to Start a Home Yoga Practice


New Year, New Project