The Gift of Gab

Are you struggling to meditate? You are not alone!

I want to share with you a simple practice I created that has become part of my morning routine. It has really helped me wrap my mind around and give structure to my personal meditation practice. I call it the Gift of GAB (aka “Gratitude, Ask, Be”).

Here’s how it works…

First, find a quiet place to sit or lie down. Get comfortable, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths to get centered. Once you have landed, focus your attention on the acronym GAB and devote a little time to each letter, in the following order:

1) G is for GRATITUDE. Bring to mind all that you are grateful for. Big things, small things, and anything in between. Some days we have to search a little harder than others, but there is always something for which to be thankful. And if you are struggling to pinpoint anything, no worries! Allow any frustration to subside and simply sit in your best version of an “attitude of gratitude,” imagining how it feels to be grateful.

2) A if for ASK. This is the part where you get to talk. Ask for guidance. Ask for clarity. Ask for help. Just ask.

3) B is for BE. After you have done the talking, be in silence. Be in stillness. Create a positive internal environment for receiving. Sometimes what comes through is obvious, and sometimes it’s more subtle. With practice, your intuition will heighten and your ability to hear clearly will grow.

Remember that the goal of meditation is not necessarily to quiet your mind. The goal is to practice the art of noticing. Become aware of your internal world…physically, mentally, and emotionally. As you begin to become more aware of your own inner workings, you start to create a little space between the true nature of you and the sensations, thoughts, and feelings that are part of your experience but aren’t who you are at your core. As you begin to create this space, you leave room to receive downloads from your higher self/God/universe/pick your term.

As with most things, it’s a work in progress. Some days are better than others. Keep showing up. Keep doing the work. Keep taking care of you.



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